Name |
Initials |
Founder |
Date(s) of founding |
Adorers of the Blood of Christ |
A.S.C. |
Maria De Mattias |
1834 |
Adrian Dominican Sisters |
O.P. |
1923 (1233) |
Albertines |
1888 |
Alexians |
C.F.A. |
1469 |
Angelic Sisters of St. Paul |
A.S.S.P. |
Anthony Maria Zaccaria |
1535 |
Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
A.S.C.J. |
1894 |
Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate |
A.S.M.I. |
1949 |
Assumptionists |
A.A. |
1845 |
Little Sisters of the Assumption |
L.S.A. |
Étienne Pernet |
1865 |
Religious of the Assumption |
1839 |
Society of the Atonement (Atonement Friars, Graymoor Friars/Sisters) |
S.A. |
1909 |
Augustinian Sisters, Servants of Jesus and Mary |
A.S.J.M. |
1827 |
Society of Saint Augustine (Augustinians of Kansas) |
S.S.A. |
1981 |
Benedictine Oblates of St Scholastica |
O.S.B. |
1984 |
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration |
1874 |
Bernardine Cistercians of Esquermes |
Hippolyte Lecouvreur |
1827 |
Bernardines (also see Cistercians) |
1098 |
Bon Secours Sisters |
C.B.S. |
1824 |
Brigidine Sisters |
1807 |
Brotherhood of Hope |
B.H. |
1980 |
Brothers of Charity |
F.C. |
1807 |
Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel |
F.S.G. |
1711 |
Brothers of Mercy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
F.M.M. |
1839 |
Brothers of the Christian Schools (Lasallian Brothers or Christian Brothers) |
F.S.C. |
John Baptist de La Salle |
1680 |
Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis |
C.F.P. |
Johannes Hoever |
1861 |
Brothers of the Sacred Heart |
S.C. |
1821 |
Brothers of Christian Instruction (De la Mennais Brothers, FIC Brothers) |
F.I.C. |
Gabriel Deshayes
Jean-Marie de Lamennais |
1819 |
Camaldolese Hermits of the Congregation of Monte Corona |
Er.Cam. |
Paul Giustiniani |
1525 |
Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius |
S.J.C. |
2006 |
Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception |
1871 |
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem |
C.R.N.J. |
2002 |
Canossians (Canossian Daughters and Sons of Charity) |
F.D.D.C. |
1808 |
Carmelites of Saint Elijah
Carmelitae Sancti Eliae |
C.S.E. |
1986 |
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate |
C.M.I. |
1831 |
Carmelite Daughters of the Divine Heart of Jesus |
D.C.J. |
1891 |
Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm |
1929 |
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles |
1904 |
Claretians (Claretian Missionaries) |
C.M.F. |
1849 |
Claretian Sisters |
1876 |
Comboni Missionaries |
1867 |
Community of Betania |
Companions of the Cross |
C.C. |
1988 |
Company of Mary Our Lady |
O.D.N. |
1607 |
Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheutists)
Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae |
C.I.C.M. |
1862 |
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament |
S.S.S. |
1659 |
Congregation of Christian Brothers (Christian Brothers of Ireland) |
C.F.C. |
1802 |
Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord
Congregatio Discipulorum Domini |
C.D.D. |
1931 |
Congregation of Divine Providence |
C.D.P. |
1827 |
Congregation of Holy Cross |
C.S.C. |
Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau, CSC |
1837 |
Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries |
M.L. |
1865 |
Congregation of the Mission |
C.M. |
1624 |
Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix |
C.M.C. |
1909 |
Congregation of Notre Dame |
C.N.D. |
1653 |
Congregation of Our Lady of Fidelity |
N.D.F. |
Henriette le Forestier d'Osseville |
1831 |
Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions |
1861 |
Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth |
C.S.N. |
1948 |
Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection |
1891 |
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
SS.CC. |
1800 |
Congregation of St. Basil |
C.S.B. |
1822 |
Congregation of St. Joseph |
C.S.J. |
1873 |
Congregation of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux |
C.S.T. |
1931 / 1945 |
Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sisters) |
O.L.M. |
1862 |
Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul |
D.C. |
1633 |
Daughters of Divine Charity |
F.D.C. |
1868 |
Daughters of Divine Love |
1969 |
Daughters of the Holy Spirit |
D.H.S. |
1706 |
Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception |
1904 |
Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion |
D.O.L.C. |
1892 |
Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi |
1894 |
Daughters of St. Paul |
F.S.P. |
1915 |
Daughters of Wisdom |
1707 |
Dehonians (Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) |
S.C.J. |
Leon Dehon |
1878 |
Divine Word Missionaries |
S.V.D. |
Arnold Janssen |
1875 |
Dominican Missionaries for the Deaf Apostolate |
O.P. Miss. |
2004 |
Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary |
1880 |
Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin |
1856 |
Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne |
1900 |
Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception |
O.P. |
1861 |
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia |
O.P. |
1860 |
Christian Doctrine Fathers (Doctrinaries)
Congregatio Patrum Doctrinae Christianae |
D.C. |
1592 |
Eudists (Congregation of Jesus and Mary) |
C.I.M. |
1643 |
Fathers of Mercy
Congregatio Presbyterorum a Misericordia |
C.P.M. |
1808 |
Felician Sisters (Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice) |
C.S.S.F. |
1855 |
Franciscan Apostolic Sisters |
F.A.S. |
1954 |
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn |
O.S.F. |
1858 |
Franciscan Brothers of the Eucharist |
F.B.E. |
2004 |
Franciscan Brothers of Peace |
F.B.P. |
1982 |
Franciscan Clarist Congregation |
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal |
C.F.R. |
1987 |
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate |
F.I. |
Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli
Fr. Gabriel Maria Pellettieri |
1970 |
Franciscan Handmaids of Mary |
1915 |
Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception |
F.H.I.C. |
1876 |
Franciscan Minims of the Perpetual Help of Mary |
F.M. |
1942 |
Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood |
F.M.D.M. |
1887 |
Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word |
M.F.V.A. |
1987 |
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary |
F.M.M. |
1877 |
Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
1859 |
Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus |
1879 |
Franciscan Servants of Jesus |
1997 |
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity |
O.S.F. |
1869 |
Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist |
F.S.E. |
1973 |
Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary |
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński |
1857 |
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception |
F.S.I.C. |
Refugio Morales |
1874 |
Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate |
1893 |
Franciscan Sisters of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother |
T.O.R. |
1988 |
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration |
O.S.F. |
1849 |
Fransalians (Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales) |
M.S.F.S. |
1838 |
Friars of St. Francis |
F.S.F. |
1993 |
Good Shepherd Sisters |
R.G.S. |
1641 |
Grey Nuns |
G.N.S.H. |
1738 |
Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity |
A.A.S.C. |
1950 |
Handmaids of the Precious Blood |
H.P.B. |
1947 |
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
A.C.J |
1877 |
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary and Joseph |
1978 |
Hermits of Saint Bruno |
H.S.B. |
2001 |
Holy Cross Fathers (Congregation of Holy Cross) |
C.S.C. |
1837 |
Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (Pink Sisters) |
S.Sp.S.A.P. |
Arnold Janssen |
1896 |
Hospital Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus |
13th century |
Infant Jesus Sisters |
I.J. |
Nicolas Barré |
1666 |
Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de Bzommar |
I.C.P.B. |
1749 |
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest |
I.C.R.S.S. |
1990 |
Institute of the Incarnate Word |
I.V.E. |
1984 |
Josephite Fathers (St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart) |
S.S.J. |
1893 |
Legion of Christ |
L.C. |
1941 |
Little Brothers of the Gospel |
1956 |
Little Brothers of Jesus |
1933 |
Little Brothers of St Francis |
L.B.S.F. |
1970 |
Little Sisters of the Assumption |
1865 |
Little Sisters of the Gospel |
1963 |
Little Sisters of Jesus |
1933 |
Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary |
1974 |
Little Sisters of the Poor |
L.S.P. |
19th century |
Lovers of the Holy Cross |
1670 |
Loreto Sisters (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary) |
I.B.V.M. |
1609 |
Marian Fathers |
M.I.C. |
1673 |
Marian Sisters (Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln) |
M.S. |
1952 |
Marianists (Society of Mary) |
S.M. |
1817 |
Marianist Sisters (Daughters of Mary Immaculate) |
F.M.I. |
1816 |
Marianites of Holy Cross |
M.S.C. |
1841 |
Marist Brothers |
F.M.S. |
1817 |
Marists (Society of Mary) |
S.M. |
1816 |
Maryknoll (Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America) |
M.M. |
1911 |
Miles Christi |
M.C. |
1984 |
Mission Helpers of The Sacred Heart |
M.H.S.H. |
1890 |
Missionaries of Charity |
M.C. |
1950 |
Missionaries of La Salette |
M.S. |
1852 |
Missionaries of Mary |
2007 |
Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo) |
C.S. |
1887 |
Missionaries of the Gospel of Life |
2005 |
Missionaries of the Poor |
M.O.P. |
1981 |
Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Precious Blood Fathers) |
C.PP.S. |
Saint Gaspar del Bufalo |
1815 |
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart |
M.S.C. |
Jules Chevalier |
1854 |
Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
1836 |
Missionary Congregation for the Blessed Sacrament |
1933 |
Missionary Society of St. Columban (Columbans) |
S.S.C. |
1916 |
Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem |
1975 |
Montfort Missionaries (Company of Mary) |
S.M.M. |
1705 |
Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts |
O.A.T.H. |
1995 |
Oblate Sisters of Providence |
O.S.P. |
1829 |
Oblates of Mary Immaculate |
O.M.I. |
1816 |
Oblates of St. Joseph |
O.S.J. |
1878 |
Oblates of the Virgin Mary |
O.M.V. |
1827 |
Oratorians (Oratory of St. Philip Neri) |
C.O. or Cong. Orat. |
Philip Neri |
16th century |
Pallottines (Society of the Catholic Apostolate) |
S.A.C. |
1835 |
Paris Foreign Missions Society |
M.E.P. |
1658 |
Passionists (Congregation of the Passion) |
C.P. |
1720 |
Passionist Sisters |
1850s |
Patrician Brothers |
F.S.P. |
1808 |
Paulist Fathers (Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle) |
C.S.P. |
1858 |
Pious Disciples of the Divine Master |
P.D.D.M. |
1924 |
Sisters of the Reparation of the Holy Face |
1950 |
Poor Clares
Ordo Sanctae Clarae |
O.S.C. |
Clare of Assisi |
1212 |
Poor Clare Colettines
Clarisses |
P.C.C. |
Colette of Corbie |
1406 |
Poor Clares of Santa Barbara |
Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration |
1854 |
Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon
Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici |
1129–1312 |
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
P.B.V.M. |
1775 |
Presentation Brothers |
F.P.M. |
1802 |
Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians) |
S.C.J. |
Leon Dehon |
1878 |
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri |
F.S.S.P. |
1988 |
Putri Karmel |
1982 |
Racine Dominican Sisters |
1862 |
Redemptorists (Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer) |
C.Ss.R. |
1732 |
Les Religieuses de Notre-Dame-du-Sacre-Coeur |
1924 |
Religious of the Assumption |
R.A. |
1839 |
Religious of Christian Education |
1817 |
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary |
R.S.H.M. |
1849 |
Religious of the Virgin Mary |
R.V.M. |
1684 |
Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan |
R.S.M. |
1973 |
Religious Sisters of Charity |
1815 |
Resurrectionists |
C.R. |
1836 |
Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus |
R.C.J. |
1897 |
Rosminians (Institute of Charity) |
I.C. |
1828 |
Salesians of St. John Bosco |
S.D.B. |
1857 |
Salesian Sisters (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians) |
F.M.A. |
1872 |
Salvatorians (Society of the Divine Savior) |
S.D.S. |
1881 |
School Sisters of Christ the King |
1976 |
School Sisters of Notre Dame |
S.S.N.D. |
1833 |
School Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis |
1873 |
Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters |
1847 |
Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood |
R.P.G. |
1861 |
Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest |
2004 |
Sisters of Adoration, Slaves of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity |
1850 |
Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel |
1870 |
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament |
1891 |
Sisters of the Cenacle |
R.C. |
1826 |
Sisters of Charity |
S.C. |
1633 |
Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomaea Capitanio & Vincenza Gerosa |
S.C.C.G. |
1832 |
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati |
1829 |
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth |
1858 |
Sisters of Charity of New York |
1846 |
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
B.V.M. |
1831 |
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception |
1854 |
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word |
1866 |
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary |
1803 |
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy |
1829 |
Sisters of Charity of Providence |
S.P. |
1844 |
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth |
1859 |
Sisters of Charity Federation in the Vincentian-Setonian Tradition |
1947 |
Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul |
1849 |
Vincentian Sisters of Charity |
V.S.C. |
1902 |
Sisters of the Destitute |
1927 |
Sisters of the Divine Compassion |
1886 |
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill |
1870 |
Sisters of the Holy Cross |
C.S.C. |
1837 |
Sisters of the Holy Family |
1837 |
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth |
1875 |
Sisters of the Holy Childhood of Jesus and Mary |
S.S.CH. |
Anne-Victoire Méjanes |
1807 |
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary |
S.N.J.M. |
1844 |
Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts |
S.U.S.C. |
John Baptist Debrabant |
1828 |
Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres |
Émilie de Villeneuve |
19th century |
Sisters of Jesus, Our Hope |
S.J.H. |
Sisters of Life |
S.V. |
1991 |
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist |
O.P. |
1997 |
Sisters of Mercy |
R.S.M. |
1831 |
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur |
S.N.D. or S.N.D. de N. |
1803 |
Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy |
1862 |
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods |
S.P. |
1840 |
Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul |
S.P. |
1861 |
Sisters of La Retraite |
Catherine de Francheville |
1674 |
Sisters of Saint Agnes |
1858 |
Sisters of Saint Dorothy (Dorotheans) |
S.S.D. |
Paula Frassinetti |
1834 |
Sisters of Saint Elizabeth |
1842 |
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi |
1849 |
Sisters of St Francis of the Martyr St George |
F.S.G.M. |
1869 |
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity |
1835 |
Sisters of Saint Francis of Rochester, Minnesota |
1877 |
Sisters of St Joseph (Sisters of Saint Joseph of Medaille) |
C.S.J. |
1650 |
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Bourg |
S.S.J. |
1650 |
Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambéry |
1812 |
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace |
1884 |
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart |
S.S.J. |
1866 |
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis |
1901 |
Sisters of Saint Martha |
1900 |
Sisters of St Rita |
1911 |
Sisters of St Therese of the Child Jesus (St Therese Sisters) |
S.S.Th. |
Maria Crocifissa Curcio |
20th century |
Sisters of Social Service |
S.S.S. |
1926 |
Sisters of the Visitation |
1610 |
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – |
I.H.M. |
1845 |
Sisters, Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará |
S.S.V.M. |
1988 |
Sisters, Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |
S.S.C.J. |
1894 |
Society of African Missions
Societas Missionum ad Afros |
S.M.A. |
1850 |
Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls |
1856 |
Society of the Holy Child Jesus |
S.H.C.J. |
1846 |
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity |
S.O.L.T. |
1958 |
Society of the Precious Blood |
C.P.P.S. |
Saint Gaspar del Bufalo |
1815 |
Society of St. Edmund |
S.S.E. |
1843 |
Society of Saint Paul |
S.S.P. |
1914 |
Society of the Sacred Heart |
R.S.C.J. |
1800 |
Sons of the Holy Family |
S.F. |
Josep Manyanet i Vives |
1864 |
Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Order of Malta) |
S.M.O.M. |
1099 |
Spiritans (Congregation of the Holy Ghost)
Congregatio Sancti Spiritus |
C.S.Sp. |
Claude Poullart des Places |
1703 |
Stigmatines (Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata) |
C.S.S. |
1816 |
Sulpician Fathers (Society of Saint Sulpice) |
S.S. or P.S.S. |
1642 |
Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis, Cameroon |
1700 |
Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity |
M.V.D.F. |
1963 |
Viatorians (Clerics of Saint Viator) |
C.S.V. |
1831 |
Heralds of the Gospel |
John Scognamiglio Clá Dias |
1970 |
Virgo Flos Carmeli (Regina Virginum) |
E.P. |
2001 |
Vincentian Congregation |
V.C. |
1904 |
Vocationists (The Society of Divine Vocations) |
S.D.V. |
1927 |
White Fathers |
M.Afr. |
1868 |
Xaverian Brothers |
C.F.X. |
1839 |
Xaverian Missionaries (Missionary Society of St. Francis Xavier) |
S.X. |
1895 |